Why Real Grass-Fed Beef Costs More


We recently talked about the health benefits of grass-fed beef. The science backs it up and I hope you made a change to what you buy. But here’s the reality of changing your diet: sometimes it comes with sticker shock. One of the things people often are most surprised about is that organic farm-raised beef costs a little more than your average, conventionally processed beef.

But are the health benefits worth the extra cost? And why does it cost so much? Personally, even if we did something else in life, yes. But that’s a personal thing for you to decide. How much do you care about your health?

Down to Details

But to really understand the cost for grass-fed beef, let’s look at a few things. Here at Buck Creek Farms, we do everything we can to make sure the meat you receive from us is the best we can provide. This means taking flavor, eatability, and organics into consideration.

We want to make sure you’re getting healthy meat that will supplement your health journey without all the “stuff” in it that you don’t want. What do I mean by “stuff”? Well, many conventional farms monopolize on space by packing their cattle in tightly using feedlots to ensure a large inventory at processing.

However, housing that many animals in one space requires the use of hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides as well as grain-based feed in order to keep the animals somewhat healthy and quickly maturing. This allows the industrial farm to process meat quickly and keep their supply up.

A Different Approach

At Buck Creek, we don’t use those methods though they make it cheaper to produce meat because we’re not worried about producing a certain quantity of meat. We want our Custom Meat Box and By-the-cut customers to get the very best. This allows us to focus on the true quality of our meat. We don’t use the chemicals that industrialized producers do because we want your meat to be as clean as possible without any of the harmful chemicals that might adversely affect your health.

We don’t use the antibiotics that allow the animals to be held in close, less than sanitary conditions. We don’t use the growth hormones that push animal physiology to the limit, forcing our animals to grow larger and faster. When industrialized producers use all of those things, it makes for faster production and more money, which in turn makes for cheaper meat in the grocery store… but they also change the animal physiology in ways that are unhealthy for the animal and, ultimately, for you.

Rather, we change pastures, cultivate the best natural grasses we can, and manage our systems to allow us to keep our cattle safe, sanitary, and healthy so they can grow at a natural pace on a healthy diet. We let nature take its course. We encourage the animal physiology our cattle are meant to have and as a result, we are rewarded with meat that is higher in healthy fats, vitamins, and micronutrients that help your body fight cancer, obesity, diabetes, and other diseases.

Brass Tacks

Because of our methods, we keep our animals twice as long as the industrialized farmers keep theirs and we feed them over twice as much food. When you break it down to basic math, it costs us twice as much to raise cattle at Buck Creek than it takes Joe Schmo at the average industrialized farm.

But all of that extra work planting the fields, raising healthy cattle, and doing it all over again give you a healthier, better-tasting product priced fairly and competitively for the market. You can truly see, smell, and taste the difference. Don’t believe us? Just ask a few of our happy customers.


More than that, it gives you a product that is better for your health and we’d rather a healthy customer than anything any day. We like to say you wish the medicine you’d take later would taste as good as our meat! Overall, every time you buy Buck Creek Meats, you do your body a favor and make an investment in your overall health. You can trust that every Meat Box we pack has the best cuts that money can buy. And that’s nothing to snub your nose at.